Monday, November 29, 2010

birth of a mother

squat birth journal has accepted my birth story for publication. when i offered it i didn't realize what a deep introspective journey it would become. i have revisited my birth experience and 9 months after the fact come to see it differently. when i first wrote this story i was so relieved to be 'uninjured' and 'drug free'. but was i true to myself? yes and no. i was flexible in a way that i needed to be, by accepting the presence of midwives. each of these four people in my home brought something with them, whether it was support or assumptions or a certain type of energy. grace had explained that an injection of oxytocin right after giving birth could prevent potentially lethal hemmorage. why did i accept this distrust of my own body? lindsay brought a speedy approach akin to 'getting this baby out!', focus on the exclamation point. she made comments like, 'this baby could have been born hours ago', and 'lets avoid a trip to the hospital, i know you want a home birth'. so she suggested i start pushing before i had the sensations to do that, which was tiring and demoralizing. i felt scared and anxious to finish the birth process that seemed to be exhausting everyone else but me. then when ivy was born, Lindsay pulled out my placenta with the umbilical chord, something that I've now learned can be very dangerous. So that explains their adamence about the oxytocin shot. What were the side effects of the dose of oxytocin? Did it suppress my own bodies secretion of this hormone? How would have bonding and breast feeding been better? In the day that followed the birth I had pain with breastfeeding, I got scabs on my nipples which took weeks to fully heal and lots of pumping/sheilds/fingerfeeding etc. Could this stress have been avoided if I only told those midwives not to give me a shot of hormones as a preventative measure? How long would it have taken to have a placenta birth on my own, half an hour? I have lots of questions and a new birth story. Check the edits!

birth story...

I asked the baby in utero to please stay put a few more days. I wanted to attend my friends birthday dinner. I had lots of kicking, braxton hicks contractions and cervical mucous. I didn't know that by the day of the party Adam and I both would be unravelling. We had an intense argument. But we had a celebration to attend, so with eyes tired from tears we drove to the restaurant. Surrounded by friends I sobered up emotionally. Looking back I can see that's when labour really started, that emotional unravelling was us opening up. The fight was just a fearful reaction.

The next day I woke up hungover from the emotional rollercoaster. I kissed sleeping Adam adieu, sniffed some eucalyptus oil to clear my head and walked my heavy feeling body to the massage clinic. Breathing through the more painful deep tissue massage made me feel closer to the baby. No more fear.

I met up with Adam where he was dripping with sweat skateboarding. T
he day was sunny and beautiful and we were being friends again. We walked to a diner where I could straddle my stool for comfort through the strongest braxton hicks yet. We weren't alarmed, just calmly excited.

Sensations woke me up early the next morning. I laid in bed next to Adam as he slept, the tension in my belly intensifying and relaxing again and again. I was so happy I just stayed put for a couple of hours enjoying the feelings in quiet solitude.

I got out of bed and laid on our couch with our laptop. Each time the tension in my belly increased I breathed deeply and moaned, eyes closed. Adam heard me and from bed called to me, asking if I was okay. I was, and told him it was go time.

We talked about what we needed to do. The priority was to go back to bed to kiss. We had heard that the hormone relaxin in semen was helpful for labour. We would have made love anyway, but relaxin was punch-line of that days cute, sexy joke.

Morning passed, contractions became more regular. As a long time menstrual cycle charter my instinct was to write down my experience to make sense of it. We wrote down the times of about twenty sensations a minute long, then turned attention to the uninflated birth pool. While Adam got it ready I shut myself into our stand up shower letting hot water fall on my low back. I noticed my sounds, the beginning of hours of 'ooohwahhh'.

I went to the pool in our super tiny living room, the shallow warm water enough to decend my thighs into. Adam asked to take a photo, that is the one you see. Looking back at it I remember the tension in my belly as my body pushed and flexed. Ideas of orgasmic birth aside, I surely felt pain and my marianismo embraced it. But i remember struggling too. I told myself that each contraction was one closer to birth, one step further in life. And in that plastic pool I felt proud. Adam told me I looked like I knew what I was doing. I did and didn't.

Five hours into our adventure I leaned over the bed in my fluffy orange house coat and told Adam to call the midwives, something we hadn't committed ourselves to doing. I wanted la
bour to be like sex, only us. But more importantly we had no birth plan. My instincts told me that the midwives would help with logistics, letting Adam and I do the emotional work.

Grace arrived with a student midwife Jasmine.
They asked a few questions and got acquainted with our tiny home. Our three cats were busy as usual going in and out, the midwives were their personal door openers while filling the pool with big pots of water. They watered down orange juice for me to sip, offered to check heart rate regularly (with a Doppler because they struggled to use a fetoscope), even occasional cervical checks. I suprized myself at being open to these options.

As the birth pool filled I leaned back, eyes closed and spoke in a voice almost not my own through each contraction, telling myself that all people came into being through labour, that it must be possible, that I could continue, that I wouldn't die from the pain. I'd say out loud when I felt the contraction releasing, ending, triumphant. This pattern continued while the pool filled, pot by pot. I drank more and more watered down juice.

Then - the glorious puking. I would vomit from the pressure and force in my body but I didn't feel sick. That mild juice actually tasted great coming up and i felt cleansed each time. My body amazed me, when vomited I opened more using total raw, hidden power. Literally, I dilated each time I puked.

I moved, labouring on the toilet looking at Adam, telling him how much it hurt. I remember feeling like he was my mirror reflection though the calm one. He didnt feel all my pain but felt some, we cried a little but mostly talked through each contraction. I'd never let him in the bathroom when I crapped before, so it was a milestone for our relationship.

Back in the water I remember adam slung over the side of the pool cradling my floating body as I focused. Grace sat for hours by that pool in our rocking chair, knitting, answering 'yes' whenever I suprized myself in asking if what was happening was normal.

I got out of the hot pool feverish. I took a tylenol and rested in bed with Adam. We napped, two minutes of rest for every minute of pain. Our siamese cat laid on the foot of the bed, refusing to move for anyone... once even stretching to touch the student midwife on the rear end while she checked my cervix. Thanks Fluff.

Hours of 9cm dilation were passing and contractions were slowing down. The sun was rising on a new day. Everyone was exhausted and my hydration became an issue to the midwives. When freshly-graduated midwife Lindsay came, I said farewell to the others and accepted an intravenous drip of water from Lindsay. It was cold coursing into my hand.

To 'get oxytocin flowing' and a new energy, Lindsay closed the door on the bedroom for Adam and I to reconnect through his exhaustion. For the first time in so many hours we talked, kissed and touched my breasts. Then we walked together around our cluttered birth cave. It must have been tricky for her to give us real privacy such close quarters but as I leaned on the edge of the pool in my housecoat, hips held from behind by Adam, Lindsay disappeared in my mind and the contractions got very strong again. It felt like an insane, low, butt pain.

She checked my cervix, 9 1/2 cms, so close and the head was coming down. I couldnt tell if I had 'the urge' to push but I definitely wanted to do something about the pain in my butt. She suggested I start pushing and held the lip of my cervix aside as I beared down squatting by the bed. These painful, short intense pushes where draining. When I held sounds inside and sent the energy downward, I felt movement. Lindsay told me i could reach inside to feel the head, it wasnt smooth like i expected but a bunch of skin folds. Soon squatting felt too intense so I laid on my side on our bed.

With the morning light shining in and for less than an hour i'm told, I pushed during contractions to bring that head out. It was a physical feeling I never could have predicted and can't put into words. The baby's head slipped in and out, irrationally I feared it would slip way back. Adam and the midwives assured me and I even remember screaming at them that birth is impossible, 'I cant do it!'. But with one leg in the air supported by a second midwife Corrina and a warm cloth on my perineum, the baby crowned. With my hands I felt the head, a wrinkly little bulge passing over my tissues, pulling them to their limit. I remember Adam crying happy tears which reassured me, then with one final gentle push my clitoris felt stretched, a crazy pain as the shoulders passed. I heard a little cry then felt the baby on my belly. I said 'its so big!' and felt shock that an actual baby was what all this work was for.

Baby was pink and soft, quiet and warm. Adam told me, 'we did it, we had a gentle birth'. I was so intensely stoked, pleased and proud. Without thinking I brought the baby to my breast and was shocked that the little mouth opened and sucked. We layed there skin to skin while Lindsay and midwife Corrina did chord traction to remove the placenta, belly rubbing, an oxytocin shot in the leg, and pressure on tissues to examine for tearing. This whirlwind of activity was distracting and now I believe to be unnecessary. At the time, a new-born mom I had faith that their treatment was helpful somehow. But in retrospect I can see my relief when they promptly left.

A bag of laundry, placenta in the fridge and me 'a mother'? I am still trying to believe this amazing family is all mine. 'My birth', as I call it, had twenty nine hours of active labour, no drugs for pain or antibiotics, no injury, a feeling of respect and control throughout but I am left with questions. What impact did the regular heart-rate and cervical checks have on me? Was the later part of my labour rushed? Were the multiple after-birth interventions necessary?

After half an hour, I put my hand under the recieving blanket and touched a little vulva. I became mother to a daughter, to whom I will always say: "Ivy, ask questions and seek brave answers".


Friday, September 10, 2010


it's been a LONG TIME.

the last show i went to was to see julie doiron play at the biltmore when i was about 8 months pregnant. i remember eating roadside perogies in the lineup because the wait was so tiring. the show was good but not great. my girlfriend julie seemed stressed playing to such a drunken crowd, she sang too loud and fast in a frustrated sort of way.

i suppose my last real rock show was when i went to see my friend craigs band prague play at the secret location, when i was about 5 or 6 months pregnant. it was really loud, smokey and my feet hurt, i realized i wanted to relax at home more. i struggled a bit with feelings of 'not being punk anymore', which in retrospect is pretty funny.

pregnancy, birth, six months of motherhood. it has all been pretty radical and revolutionary for adam and i. we are trying hard to be healthy and active in the things we're passionate about, while being the best parents in the world to ms. cutie pie herself. 

i'm finally in a band again and after two practices we have a  show and recording done. this was possible because the whole family came with me, ivy loves music and watches us rehearse with her hunting grade hearing protection on. some of her easiest and happiest days have been on these jam days, it's really awesome. 

i wonder always after a jam, how did this awesome thing happen to my life? apparently the first time i met gord was at a show in winnipeg that my band was playing, during the set i grabbed him by his shirt collar and screamed in his face. this is normal if you know my tantrums on stage, and some people like it enough to want to collaborate. so gord of a million bands invited me to sing in this new one, believing in me a lot and not hesitating at all with my family in tow. al from hard feelings is drumming  and is officially ivy's favorite person to watch, besides me and adam of course.

the first show last night was, in a nutshell, the great dirty house show of my dreams. it was my first live music in months, aside from jamming. it was a huge release to finally be back in business.

after giving birth to ivy, i have been the extension of her and head over heels in love ALL THE TIME. but who am i? i have wrestled with questions about whether or not i should bury my old self and just start anew, burn my clothes, sell my records, and just rediscover the world. but then this band happened and bingo, there she is, me! when i play music i flip the switch back into my opinionated, raging self and this makes for good rowdy times. i really like the warmth and softness of my everyday life with my baby in my arms. but there is truly more to love, a dark part, and i frankly don't know any other way to express completely than through songs.

and here is an example of this dilemma i have with communicating...

when i was about a week shy of giving birth, i was consumed with waiting. i was swimming evenings at a pool downtown with adam, sometimes on my own. i'd waddle my huge-seeming body into the pool and get awesome relief for my back in the weightlessness of the water. me and ivy would just bask in each others presence in the coolness while i paddled around. some of the most peaceful moments of my life were in that pool, can't do it justice with words. that particular evening i speak of was the best. it was during the olympics, all the other regulars were watching tv or at some stupid sports event so i had the whole beautiful pool to myself. not a ripple, just me and baby. adam jammed in a warehouse nearby, i left the pool to walk to his spot. then the shit hit the fan, i passed a strip club called Brandi's on the corner. the sign on the street had a big photo of a lineup of women in lacey underwear, and the macho bouncers at the door were wearing all black. i couldn't help it, i stopped in front of the club and started saying stuff to the bouncers. they were big and stoic and had smart ass responses to my questions like, 'what if it was your sister working in that club?' and 'how do you explain what you do to your kids?' i got more and more emotional, i was totally disgusted by their smug amusement while i felt so much fear for my child and the misogyny that this little person would be born into despite my love. maybe it seemed to some like a pointless, stupid thing to do, but reality is different when a woman is about to give birth. at least for me, stuff mattered, everything, so much more than ever. i wouldn't leave those bouncer bastards alone, and eventually they threatened to have me arrested! i told them to hurry up and call the cops because i'd really like to see pigs handcuff a pregnant woman. i was fuming and they didn't call the cops, just sent out the head bouncer. he was calm and polite and listened to me, he then explained that he is trying to earn a living for his kids and that the best thing i could do is to be a loving mother so my child wouldn't one day fall prey to that 'industry'. i told him he should be ashamed, knowingly exploiting people who suffered neglect, abuse, or just years of programming through sexist media. then we were just speechless, i just stood next to them as they carded the drunken men who entered the club. some men made fun of me, some looked guilt ridden, some scared. the sight of a distraught pregnant woman standing next to the lacey underwear sign must have been fucked up, even to beer goggles.

i left when my knees hurt. i cried for blocks, olympic signs everywhere, the streets crowded with people wearing red and white for national pride. one drunk jock said to me, 'don't be sad, it's the olympics!'. i cried harder! and it felt good. to finally express the despair i skim the surface of everyday from my place in the status quo. ivy helped me to break through totally feel something real, and i can't describe exactly what that was, but with her living inside of me i knew that the state of the world is so confusing in it's beauty and brutality, and that it's crucial for me to keep myself together for her. but at the end of the experience, when i finally talked to adam, i still felt at a loss, like i hadn't fully expressed my anger at those misogynists, i had censored myself, even if just a little bit.

here are the lyrics for our first six songs. we are called SFB.

song one, 'carrall'

what came first, the smell or the sound?
piss stained alley tells her story loud
a scream, door slam, wheels peel away
harmed taken by force with debt yet to pay
no response, broad daylight
hungry knowing faces turn away
no justice
missing persons sign
female face on it again, no suprize
you might recognize her if you looked twice
at a person on that block
no justice tonight

song two, 'john'

stairs steep narrow
followed every step
by hate filled men
who's only relief 
is to dominate
a 'date' is rape every time

song 3, 'endocrine'

chemical final solution
monopoly of bodily function
doctor and nurse surrounded
all i want
is to know
about my body
and have control
this is what it's like to be a woman today
bombarded by commercials
can't believe what they say
these drugs they make us sick

song 4, 'best fed'

take another look
take another look
take another look
i can't even feed my kid!
it's just a breast
but it's a spectacle
some shout some don't
all of me stays the same
no mother love the state is fucked
no mother love the butt of a joke
no mother should hide in fear
end the fetish

song 5, 'grandview'

they roll right in put up a fence
should we stand outside?
it went up without our consent
they say the construction
is to improve the look
to dance is to disagree
to cut the fence to the park we cannot reach
and we say we know
and we can say we've read
the chapter on oppression
is just doesn't make a fucking difference
the choice is ours
to stand still or to take the streets
its an illusion, this peace

song 6, 'david'

he says satan is in the air
satan is ruler of this world
satan is your god
white tent full of calm angry men
name tag sweater vest argument
david lies and says he doesn't hate me
he pretends
queers sneek inside
photo opportunity
should we laugh at or confront
these bigots disguised as men
when a boy dies strung up on a fence
where was david then?
when a woman died of botched abortion
where was david then?
he says he cares
liars like david are everywhere


Saturday, June 26, 2010


"Seeing Red"

An incredible cbc radio show featuring Geraldine Matus of Justisse Healthworks speaking on the cultural history of menstruation.

Make a big pot of tea and listen.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

my birth story

did it. posted a labour photo.

9 weeks into parenthood i am indulging in memories of that crazy experience. i say to myself quietly, often: 'if i can give birth at home i can do ANYTHING'.

i created this blog site when i was pregnant. i was home lots and inspired by so many sensual, joyful experiences standing in front of my tiny gas oven. the sights, smells (pregnancy made my sense of smell super strong), intentions and constant celebration. i felt so close to my growing baby whenever i was engulfed in the aroma's of cooking onions, meat and herbs. love food, had to write!

now i dont have two free hands to cook and it is my daily goal, by any means necessary, to be nourished so that i can nourish.

i want to write about giving life. now instead of standing at the stove i sit with ivy in my arms, feeding her mothers milk whenever she wants for as long as she wants.

birth story...

i had asked the baby in utero to please stay put until after friday march 5. i wanted to attend my friend Lauren's birthday dinner. lots of kicking, braxton hicks contractions and cervical mucous, birth was near. i didn't know that by that date adam and i both would be so charged with waiting that we would be nearly unravelling. that day we had an intense argument and both said things we didn't mean. what a mess, i thought. but realized we had a celebration to attend, so with eyes tired from tears we drove to the restaurant and hung out in the van for a while chasing the blues away, at least from plain sight. and then finally surrounded by friends, i sobered up emotionally.

that night i went to bed drained but looking forward to the 90 minute massage i'd booked for the following day.

saturday march 6, i woke up hungover from the emotional rollercoaster. i kissed adam adieu, sniffed some eucalyptus oil to clear my head, and walked my very pregnant body over to the massage clinic. i indulged in lots of foot, hip and back therapy, breathing through the more painful deep tissue massage that made me feel closer to the baby. my massage therapist was perfect for that day, excited for me yet professional, and graciously gave me an extra 20 mintues of his time. so i left the appointment exorcised.

called adam, he was exorcising is own shadows at stanley park. i met him there where he was dripping with sweat, skateboarding in the sun on a bridge with our camera, filming skate tricks for the video we were making together. the battery ran out 20 seconds prior to him landing the hardest trick of the day. bummer!

but the day was sunny and beautiful. we walked to the templeton on granville and had dinner. i ate fish and chips and my braxton hicks contractions were unusual and strong. we were sitting on stools and i stranddled mine for comfort. we werent alarmed just excited. we left, adam suggested we get home, feeling that the birth was coming soon.

we watched a movie and went to bed. my contractions woke me up early in the morning, about 7am on sunday March 7. i laid in bed next to adam as he slept, the tension in my belly intensifying and relaxing again and again. i was so elated to be 'in' labour, i just stayed put for a couple of hours enjoying the sensations in quiet solitude.

then i got out of bed and laid on our couch with our laptop to surf the internet. each time the tension in my belly increased i breathed and moaned, closed my eyes and kept going. adam heard me and from bed called to me, asking if i was okay. i most definitely was, i told him the deed was going down. go time.

in those morning hours we talked about what we needed to do. i remember going back to bed to snuggle and make out. we had heard that the hormone relaxin present in semen was helpful for labour. we would have made love anyway, but the relaxin benefit was that days pick up line!

time passed, contractions continued, they were more regular and about 5-8 minutes apart. a minute in length. i wrote down the times of about 20 to confirm my perception of the rhythm. i wanted to labour as long as possible alone with adam and as the strength of the contractions mounted i told him to inflate the birth pool. funny, there was a disclaimer he noticed that said it's recommended to inflate the pool well in advance of labour, oops. well, good thing he succeeded, i had shut myself into our stand up shower letting hot water fall on my low back. the contractions were strong and i was making sounds, the beginning of hours of 'ooohahhh'. in little time the pool was in working order in our super tiny living room, beside my birth altar where gifts and symbolic items were positioned for months. i didnt notice it during labour though. i took a few steps from the shower to the pool still shallow with warm water. but it was enough to decend my thighs and butt into, and i felt totally 'in labour' aka 'in exquisite pain'. we were still timing contractions, they were 5 minutes apart. that is when adam asked to take a couple photos, which i agreed to, that is the one above. looking back at the photo, i remember the tension in my belly as the muscle flexed and pushed low. it was a pain that i embraced, but definitely pain that i struggled with. i told myself that each contraction was one furthering me to birth, furthering my own life. and in that shallow plastic pool i felt proud. adam told me i looked like i knew what i was doing. i did and didn't.

about 5 hours had passed, and i moved to our bedroom floor by the bed. i leaned over the bed in my fluffy orange house coat and told adam to call the midwives. we needed to focus on the labour not the logistics of the space or unanswered questions. my intention had been to avoid the presence of any 'outsider' to this pregnancy and labour. i didn't know who of the four midwives that attended me would show up. when adam said that grace answered the phone i was relieved, she has a wise presence i liked a lot. and the call to her confirmed that i was accepting midwives at our birth, a choice that didnt feel pressured, which pleased me.

grace arrived with a student midwife jasmine that i really liked in earlier meetings, she had a gentle presence and was respectful. the two of them asked a few questions and settled into our little home, that somehow turned into a beautiful mess during the labour with stuff knocked over or cast aside. our three cats were busy as usual going in and out, the midwives were their personal door openers. the midwives worked to fill the pool, boiling big pots of water. jasmine watered down orange juice for me to sip through a straw. i asked questions when i wanted to, the midwives offered to check the heart rate regularly. i even let them do occasional cervical checks, these were not my pre-labour intentions but nonetheless, i felt comfortable and still myself. i hated the doppler but allowed it use during heartrate checks.

as the birth pool filled i leaned back, eyes closed and spoke in a voice almost not my own, through each contraction, telling myself that all people came into being through labour, that it must be possible, that i can continue, that i wouldn't die from the pain. i'd say out loud when i felt the contraction releasing, ending, triumphant. this pattern continued. the pool filled, pot by pot. i drank more and more water juice.

then the puking memories... i would vomit from the pressure and force mounting in my body, but i didnt feel sick. that mild juice actually tasted pretty good coming up, and i felt cleansed each time it happened. that puking actully helped me dilate!

i laboured on the toilet again and again, looking at my partner, telling him how much it hurt. adam reflected back my surreal experience. i remember feeling like he was my mirror reflection, though the calm one. he didnt feel my pain, but did feel some. we cried a little i think, but mostly confidently embraced each contraction. i'd never let him in the bathroom when i crapped before, so it was a milestone for our relationship!

back in the pool i remember adam slung over the side of the pool cradling me. mine was a weightless body suspended in each contraction, totally focused. grace sat for hours by that pool in our rocking chair, knitting, saying little while jasmine managed the water temperature. they answered emphatically 'yes' whenever i suprized myself in asking if what was happening was normal.

the water was so hot my temperature turned feverish. i felt chills whenever i left the water. i took a tylenol and rested in bed with adam. we napped between contractions, two minutes of rest for every minute of hard work. our siamese cat fluff laid on the foot of the bed, refusing to move for anyone... once even stretching to touch the student midwife on the rear end while she checked my cervix. it was hilarious.

hours were passing and my waters hadnt broken. my dilation stayed at 9cm. contractions were slowing down. the sun was rising on Monday March 8. everyone was exhausted and i was dehydrated. when midwife Lindsay came, i said farewell to grace and the student, and recieved an intravenous drip of water. it was cold couraing into my hand but my body soaked up the hydrating fluid. it was worth the hassle of adam having to hold the bag high behind me whenever i paced around our then cluttered birth cave.

my contractions were much less strong and suddenly there was some recognition that i could possibly require transfer to the hospital. no way in hell i was leaving my home peacefully, we all knew that so Lindsay suggested we get natural oxytocin flowing in me, and adam and i for the first time in so many hours laid in bed talking, kissing and touching my breasts. we walked in circles around the birth pool while Lindsay cooked up a high energy drink on the stove with aloe, ginger and honey she'd found in my cupboards. it must have been tricky for her to give us real privacy in our tiny home, but as i leaned on the edge of the birth pool in my housecoat, hips held from behind by adam, she all but disappeared, and the contractions got very strong again. it felt like an insane, low, butt pain.

she checked my cervix, 9 1/2 cms, so close and the head was coming down. i couldnt tell if i had 'the urge' to push, but i definitely wanted to do something about the pain in my butt. we talked about pushing, Lindsay would help the head pass down by manually holding the lip of my stretchy dilated cervix aside as i beared down. squatting on the side of the bed i moved through contractions with short, intense pushes, making some harsh noise. when i held the harsh noise inside and sent it down into my butt, i really felt progress. lindsay told me i could reach inside to feel the head, it wasnt smooth like i expected, it was a bunch of skin folds, weird! soon squatting felt too intense, so i laid on my side on our bed. surreal, the room somehow went from nighttime dark to mid morning light and for 45 mins i pushed during contractions to bring that head out, truly the most insane, mind blowing, brutal feeling i never could have predicted. the baby's head slipped in and out not yet seeing the light of day, i irrationally feared it would slip way back. adam and the midwives roooted for me and i even remember screaming that birth is impossible, i cant do it! but with one leg in the air, supported by a second midwife, and warm cloth on my perineum, the baby crowned. with several contractions i tried to slowly push the head out. with my hands i felt the head, a wrinkly little bulge at first, passing over my tissues, pulling them to their limit. i remember adam crying which was a good sign! my clitoris felt stretched, a crazy pain! with a final push the shoulders passed and baby was completely out, crying for 5 or 6 seconds, put immediately on my belly. i remember saying 'its so big!', and feeling shock that an actual baby was what all this work was for.

baby was pink and soft, quiet and warm. adam told me that we did it, we had a gentle birth. i was so intensely stoked, pleased and proud. i instinctively brought the baby to my breast and was shocked that the little mouth opened and sucked. we layed there skin to skin in awe and delight while midwives did less pleasant stuff like chord traction to remove the placenta, belly rubbing to firm up the uterus and prevent hemmorage, an oxytocin shot in the leg that i agreed to, and pressure on tissues to examine for tearing. no injuries, not stitches, i felt triumphant and relieved. we were so ecstatic we didnt think to check for the sex for what must have been half and hour, so when i thought of it, i put my hand under the recieving blanket and touched the little vulva. we had a little girl on international womens day, pretty cool.

the midwives did some brieft cleaning, putting tonnes of laundry and garbage into two huge plastic bags. then they were gone and the three of us could be together, laying in bed. at some point adam went at my request to get poutine from the corner shop, and i began building back my strength. i was pale somewhat and soft in the belly, my chest hurt from the lack of pressure on my lungs that had been exerted by my massive uterus.

this is my recollection of events. i am so pleased at how we birthed Ivy Ellen, 29 hours and no pain medication, and the true feeling of respect and control throughout the experience. adam and i shared the most intimate experience possible and i love him beyond words! i appreciate the help of all the four midwives, and not least, the calm, cool presence of my special spiritual doula - the siamese :)


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Welcome to the world Ivy Ellen!

The birth was just how we wanted it, at home! One of the innumerable benefits of a home birth is that the next time you open the fridge you find the ziplock'd placenta the midwives stored before they promptly exited.

Here is my method, advised by midwife Corrina, on how to dehydrate the placenta for vitamin and hormone packed capsules that Ivy and I can take as needed for years to come.

First photo: washing the placenta. This is the side of the placenta that was attached to the uterus.

Second photo: This is the 'shiny' side of the placenta, with the vascularization and umbilical chord.

Third photo: Checking out the membranes, also known as the amniotic sac. To be removed.

Fourth photo: Umbilical chord! To be removed. I coiled it and baked it to preserve it.

Fifth photo: Preparing the steam bath for the placenta, add cayenne pepper, fresh lemon and two slices of ginger to water in a steamer pot.

Sixth photo: Steam shiny side down first and then flip, done cooking when it no longer bleeds when poked with a fork.

Seventh photo: Smells good! Cut the cooked placenta into thin slices to be baked at the lowest possible temperature in the oven for many hours. Mine took 6 hours. Remove when crispy.

Eighth photo: Put the pieces into a coffee grinder and pulverize until a smooth powder is made. Then fill "double zero" gelatin capsules 3 quarters full with the powder.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

carmelized onions

for the record, i've got ukranian blood running through my veins. this is about to become obvious to you :)
this recipe is essential for anyone who likes cheap food to taste expensive. and who likes to send a message to the whole neighborhood that 'good food is made by us'.

all you need are two bags of yellow onions, about 10-14 medium sized ones in total. some cheap true bc white wine (not imported grapes misleadingly bottled in the okanagan). i bought white bear. vinegary but $12 and will do a decent deglaze. grapeseed oil, good for frying. sea salt.

here's a tip for chopping onions and not crying. cut off both ends first, then scoop out the 'eye' where the roots grow out. this is where the chemical that makes you cry comes from.

hack up about 4 onions, start cooking them at med-high heat with salt until they sweat. keep chopping meanwhile. incorporate an onion at a time, sprinkle with salt, until your skillet is jammed full. stir regularly so they don't burn, reduce heat once everything is softening. you'll notice that's the point when the onions start to stick to the pan. just add a few liberal dashes of the cheap white wine and no more sticky.

here's a photo adam took of the barefoot and pregnant cook. what you can't see is the sesame street record he was playing at the time. i wasn't into it at first..... but then, very strangely and hormonally, i suddenly was. wow.

back to the onions. stir every 5 minutes so they don't stick. cook them until they're deep, carmel brown. and mushy.

if you want, let cool and put in the food processor for a paste. store in a jar, refrigerated. stays for weeks.

this stuff is great with any meat, bread, sandwich, or a seasoning for soups, sauces and dressings. it's sweet, savoury, cheap, goes a long way, simple, definitely one of my favorite foods.

i'll be putting this stuff on a huge baked flatbread with smoked mozza and fresh basil for the vegetarians at my mother blessing this weekend.

oh god yea.


Saturday, January 30, 2010


these last few days my cravings for sweets have been through the roof, and i've joined adam as a night shifter once again. i can't sleep, too excited waiting for this amazing baby!

how to stay grounded, stay healthy?

the mother of all soups. borscht. this stuff is the best.

my grampa once made my brother and me pick the ingredients out of the garden, then he made us a batch. this concept blew my golfer, banker brothers mind. awesome.

until the summer grows me some beets out in the parking lot back yard soon to be transformed by me and my kid, i settled for four big red beets from the store, red potatoes, carrots, celery, onion, garlic and dill. cheap cheap.

sweated that onion and garlic in grapeseed oil. added salt, fresh ground pepper. added 2 stalks celery, then carrots and potatoes, all cubed. cooked at medium heat for 4 or 5 mins.

then my adam who shares the kitchen as dishwasher today helps make a broth. this man is serious about dishes, he was a professional and takes pride in his work. it's cute. so, i asked him to take a break from scrubbing and add 4 cups of (non-dish) water to my veggies. bring to slow boil.

then comes the BEAUTIFUL fully jelled chicken foot stock that i made earlier in the week (seen in the yoghurt container). about two cups of this stuff will make any soup taste amazing and heal your soul from the inside. my stock actually makes our skin softer, and i get a buzz off it sometimes when it's really fresh. yea, recipe coming soon.

i added cup or so of red wine, silly me, forgot to add it earlier as a deglaze. ah well. brought to a boil, added peeled, cubed beets. then simmered for over an hour while i parked my pregnant butt on the couch with the kitties.

when the broth is blood red and veggies are soft, it's time to dish out this wicked stuff. sprinkle with TONNES of fresh dill. repeat, as much DILL as you can afford. the more the better.

enjoy scrubbing that lovely red off the dishes, and expect a period the next time you deuce!


flood family!